Friday, November 10, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/31/2006 (continued)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006

05/31/2006 (continued)

There really are some great similarities with our initial, still progressing version even to my untrained eye. One of which looks to be the establishment of a loose affiliation between countries, which is similar to the value base structure of the dollar in the U.S. - though I am unsure as to how similar precisely - and that isn't to say that European Countries are like the dollar.

This also seems to allow for some semblance of that duality in "sovereign/power' and "commerce/power" co-existing, though again in a slightly different way than it has here in the United States - and I should say is something I would appreciate the study of in a few more years. Study that is, of the dynamic similarities in "structures" which perhaps have been applied to different usages.

I cannot quite put a finger on it now, but I sense that our extreme example of "commerce/power" has allowed for that co-existence in many ways - if only in having "birthed" the possibility so to speak, and through maintaining it - even in and through some of the more rough times where it would seem extremes within it were more a burden than was/is the concept(s) itself.

Admittedly this is simply a personal and quite topical observation. Such in no way means I do not present very arguable points within said observations and conversely in no way means any sort of firmed dictation of such.

As well, again in observation it could be said that these individual examples of what I refer to as "emulation" of that larger process, are very much that - each co-existing in tandem, though seemingly a bit juxtaposed, linear or non linear - but again, all as emulation of various facets of that larger process. Each "splintering out" so to speak as its own manifestation, while co-existing and interworking/intermingled with one another in our daily lives. Each being contained of itself while interacting with others. ~

As another musing, this then presents a "rough" structure of "motion/dynamic" which is rather interesting pertaining to the dichotomy series I have observed.

This means as it seems to have transpired, that within the "commerce/power" societies there is something similar to this;

As well it then means that a similar structure exists within the "sovereign/power" social dynamic. When a person then arranges this visually - it could yet again represent unmatched progress of human existence as well as illustrate the stabilizing effect I touched on previously;

It seems as I think about it, that the effect of that duality would serve as well to permit people to exist more in those "area" without concern for "win" or "lose," while it is that the more present (pronounced) "normal" dichotomy continues un-effected as it were. Likewise not effecting that "area" which I can envision as the ultimate area of existence within a "Utopia." This as well, while the "natural tendency" of those concerned with "win" or "lose" readily sustains that area of existence not concerned with such social recognition and placement. This happening in more than a fiscal or physical manner - again, being that the concern and over-focus on "winning" or "losing" keeps itself contained within those parameters.

This presents incredible potentials and very much in a manner that is conducive to the idea of "Utopia" nearly equally given that those focused on "winning" or "losing" are filling their "needs" in performing such actions and interests.

It is very much like a "win/win" potential all around - especially in regard to that aspect of experiencing the sensation of "greatness" in everyday life. It is very much part of such "greatness" to know the sensation of "defeat" as it were, as well as great victories.

Now then, I must say that I believe those concerned with "win/lose" will immediately assume that "area" of no concern for such, is predominantly about great (and advertised) monetary wealth or even publicly social station. I don't see that area as such but more see such concerns as are want of "large wealth" and want of extreme fame for instance - predominantly of the "win/lose" focus of concern and dynamic.

Further it would seem that such an "area" as is "no concern for said limitations as "win/lose," was meant for a more common use.

This is definitely something that I will again address as my studies continue... and as a note, I should say that I don't think it an "area" for "un-caring" either.


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